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Short and long rents in Veneto: the differences and the best solutions

In the last period, the real estate market in Veneto has experienced a significant transformation that has seen an exponential increase in short rents. Officially, the short rents in Veneto , according to the data collected by the National Institute of tourist research in collaboration with Confcommercio Veneto, recorded total growth of 14.34% between September 2023 and September 2024.

A phenomenon that inevitably raised questions. More and more people wonder what the differences are between short rents and long rentals and what is the most advantageous option for both owners and tenants . The cities of art such as Venice and Verona, the seaside resorts and historic villages have seen a significant increase in short -term leases, while the long -term rental market continues to be a more traditional choice for those looking for housing stability.

What is a short rent?

Imagine being able to rent an apartment in the heart of Venice or in a quiet location of the Euganean Hills and to feel not a simple tourist but a traveler opting for a short -term contract, a solution that influences your visit to the city as well as the performance of your holiday.

This formula has become particularly popular thanks to the growing demand for tourists , away professionals and off -site students who need flexible solutions without the constraints of traditional lease contracts.

In Veneto, this practice recorded a real boom, a particularly evident trend in the cities of art such as Venice, Verona and Padua , but also extends to the peripheral and rural areas that allow to reach the city center in a short time. According to recent sector data, the increase in the demand for short rents in Veneto has also led to greater diversification of the offer, with solutions ranging from apartments to historic centers to housing immersed in nature, solutions that change according to the needs of the individual traveler.

Why choose a short rent?

The short rent represents a particularly advantageous solution compared to traditional formulas. There is the benefit of being able to live an authentic experience, immersing itself in the daily life of the city and the Venetian villages, renting an apartment for a few days means feeling part of the local fabric as well as having larger and more comfortable spaces available to a hotel room.

If it is a pleasure trip, a work trip or even a period of study, the short rent allows you to find tailor -made solutions without having to sign long -term constraints. The formula of the short rent is particularly flexible and appropriate for those traveling for work , since it offers the possibility to stay in strategic areas used by all the classic comfort of a house, from the kitchen to the Wi-Fi connection for example.

They are also unmissable opportunities for groups of friends and families who can return to the expenses compared to a hotel room. In this way they can have much more privacy and the possibility of managing times in total autonomy. The cost can vary according to the season and position of the property , but with a little planning it is possible to find excellent solutions that combine quality and savings.

The short rent from the point of view of the owners

The short rental obviously offers some advantages, first of all the flexibility of the formula: the owners can manage the availability of their property according to personal needs , maintaining direct control over rates and residence conditions.

In the help of owners who want to make their property fruit without too many thoughts, the APERTY MANAGER such as Arsenale 1104 , who carry out all-inclusive real estate management for the owners . Through seasonal rates and local events, the short rent allows to obtain a potentially higher income than a fixed monthly fee, especially if you choose to rely on professionals in the sector for the management aspects of short -term leases that help to guarantee efficient service and stressless management.

Long rentals: stability and safety

A long rental is by definition a lease that can last a year or even more and it is an ideal solution for those looking for a stable housing solution and has no frequent mobility needs. Just think of students who need an apartment shared for a few years to finish their studies, the workers who decide to take advantage of a temporary but long job offer or to those who decide to move for a period in Veneto before considering a purchase, for example.

Obviously, for the owners, a long -term rental guarantees a fixed and predictable entrance and reduces the risk of inactivity of the property . There are fewer management charges than a short rent and it is not necessary to always promote.

On the other hand, long -term contracts offer less flexibility : once the property was rented, it is not possible to put it back on the market, use it for itself or, in case of problems with the tenant, the recovery of the home can be more complex.

It is true, however, that some types of apartment adapt more to this type of solution which, if well managed from the beginning, allows tenants and owners to be satisfied. The choice between short and long rental depends on several factors , including the position of the property, the time and resources that the owner can dedicate to management and economic objectives.

Transitional rent: an intermediate solution

Regulated by law no. 431/1998, transient rents are an intermediate solution between the short and long -term rent . In practice it is a rental formula that meets those who want to rent a property for a period between 30 days and 18 months and that do not need automatic renewability.

This solution adapts to specific situations in which the short or long rent would be ideal solutions. The transitional rent is perfect for those who temporarily move for work , for example off -site teachers or project workers, but also for off -site students looking for accommodation for a semester or an internship.

Other times, the transitional rent is ideal for those who are in the transfer phase and are looking for a house to buy and has already sold their own, while personal situations such as renovations, separations or situations that require provisional accommodation in which the transitory rent proves to be the specific formula can also happen.

From the point of view of those looking for a home, the transitional contract offers greater stability than a short rent, without binding for years. In addition, the expenses are often more contained than a short rent and, unlike a long contract, there is no obligation to remain linked to the property for several years.

For the owners, this solution allows you to avoid the high turnover of the short rent and to have a guaranteed annuity without the commitments and protections that a traditional rental contract provides for tenants.

In Veneto, transient rents are a frequent choice in university cities such as Padua and Verona, in locations with a strong corporate presence, or for those properties located in areas not purely tourist but still strategic for those who move for work.

Short, transient or long rental: which one to choose?

The choice between short and long rental depends on the specific needs, both from the point of view of those looking for accommodation and that of those who make a property available.

In Veneto, the formulas of short or transitory rents prove to be particularly advantageous in tourist areas , where the demand is constant and allows to obtain higher annuities compared to a traditional contract.

The short rent is also suitable for those who want to take a trip in complete autonomy and maybe choose to move by car to reach the neighboring locations from the city. This solution allows those who travel to appreciate the territory more, to find much more comfortable solutions and above all to live a more engaging and less tourist experience.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for an intermediate solution that offers the advantages of both solutions, here is that the transitional rent allows you to reach an ideal compromise for those traveling and for those who rent, discover our solutions with our smart and online booking system.