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Venetian villas: let's discover a unique tour

In Veneto we find many villas, a unique architectural and historical heritage of splendid elegant places to stay. Among those that have survived to us and are well maintained, many have become film sets or unmissable luxury locations capable of offering a dive into the past and the architectural wonders of the Veneto.

So let's find out which villas are worth visiting for those who are on holiday in this region and aren't afraid to move around a bit.

The Palladian villas

There are 24 villas designed by Palladio that can still be visited in the Veneto and all have been recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Among these, one of the best known is certainly Villa La Rotonda , in Vicenza: the most famous of the Venetian villas.

Its circular structure, topped by a dome, recalls the Pantheon in Rome and has inspired buildings such as the White House in Washington ; it represents the key principles of Palladian architecture and is an attraction not to be missed. Among the other villas not to be missed there are certainly:

  • Villa Barbaro : Another famous Palladian villa. Designed for the brothers Daniele and Marcantonio Barbaro, this villa is decorated with frescoes by Paolo Veronese and sculptures by Alessandro Vittoria. The villa continues to be an agricultural estate and a private residence, but the main floor and the garden can still be visited.
  • Villa Emo : Mature example of Palladio's genius, characterized by perfect proportions and symmetry. Less sumptuous on the outside than other villas, inside it is richly decorated. The park has undergone several renovations over the centuries, but the villa remains an architectural masterpiece worth visiting.
  • Villa Foscari : called the Malcontenta, is the only villa on the Brenta Riviera designed by Palladio.
  • Villa Badoer : today houses the National Archaeological Museum of Fratta Polesine.
  • Villa Valmarana Bressan : One of Palladio's first projects. Although less well-known, this villa features distinctive elements of its architectural style and can be visited from April to October.

For those interested in discovering Palladio's legacy, there are also many other places to visit through his villas such as the

The villas of the Brenta Riviera

The Brenta Riviera, called the "Venice of the Mainland", is a fascinating area of ​​the Venetian hinterland. The villas along the banks of the Brenta river were built by aristocratic Venetian families as bucolic refuges and places of representation. The most interesting part of the Brenta Riviera goes from Stra to Fusina .

Anyone interested in this tour of stately homes can visit Villa Pisani also known as "the queen of the Venetian Villas" and Villa Foscarini . The first was built by the Pisani family and subsequently owned by Napoleon Bonaparte and the Habsburgs, and is today a national museum. With 114 sumptuous internal rooms and a grandiose park, it is one of the most visited attractions in the Veneto; the second today houses the Footwear Museum and displays various models of luxury women's shoes.

Villa Wildmann is located in Mira and is a rococo style villa, finely decorated and which still retains the original furniture. Here you can also:

  • Visit a collection of antique carriages;
  • Walk along the shore of a pond.

Finally, we find Villa Badoer Fattoretto in Dolo, known for the Villano museum; this villa can be visited in the spring and autumn months exclusively with guided tours.

The villas of the Euganean Hills

The Venetian villas located south of Padua, in the Euganean Hills , offer a natural context of extraordinary beauty. The Euganean Hills, with their low volcanic reliefs, have been celebrated over the centuries by poets such as Petrarca and Foscolo, anyone interested can visit here:

  • Villa Barbarigo : Famous for a truly stunning baroque garden that remains open to everyone every day; however, the villa itself cannot be visited except in special situations and occasions.
  • Villa dei Vescovi : Can be visited with guided tours, with a large green space and capable of hosting many cultural events every year.
  • Villa Emo Capodilista : Today home to an important winery, it can be visited on special dates.

Finally, in Battaglia Terme, the Castello del Catajo is an atypical villa that combines elegance and military rigor. Built in the sixteenth century, the villa today hosts events and guided tours of the Piano Nobile and the garden.

The Venetian villas: let's draw conclusions

For those who want to visit the Veneto and discover its wonders, a short-term rental of an apartment is the best choice: in this case it is possible to leave room for improvisation and live your holidays like at home, with all the comforts and freedom that this it involves and, what should not be underestimated, also with a decent budget saving.


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